Monday 2 April 2007

Let me introduce myself...

Up until about 1pm on Sunday 1st April, I had spent many long, lonely months sat on a shelf in Tescos in Huntly (Scotland). Every day I used to watch little children walk past, I would try to look as cute, cuddly & fluffy as I could - but no-one ever chose me. This day was different - A kind man came past my shelf and much to my delight he bought me...... as a pressie for his wife!!!!!

I was so happy - I still am........ here is a photo of me just leaving Tescos in Huntly (can you guess how I got my name???)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Huntly, you look like a lovely well behaved little pup. I'm very impressed with your typing skills. I may train my westie to type like you and create her own blog page then you two could be blogging buddies.

Take care of your owners now.